Taylorsville Elementary

Taylorsville Elementary

Welcome to Taylorsville Elementary. 77% of the students at our school are on the free or reduced lunch program, and and many of them are also food insufficient in their homes. Thanks to USANA Kids Eat donors, these kids can receive weekend bags of food. That’s seven meals to get them through till Monday.

Adopting or donating to our fundraiser will help us feed these hungry kids in the current/upcoming school year.  100% of your donation goes directly to food and resources that are crucial to distributing the meals! USANA covers all administrative costs. Thanks for your consideration!

Taylorsville Elementary is a high-poverty school; 77% of our students receive free or reduced lunch. We are also a school community that is loving, caring, and kind. Our families regularly go out of their way to support each other, even when they have very little to give. Our students are kind, upstanding, and hardworking; though they have many difficulties at home, our students work hard to learn and grow each day. We work hard to create a community of caring in our classrooms and in our school, and it shows every day in our students’ choices. Our teachers create community by not only focusing on academic topics, but by helping our kids learn about how to be kind, and how to take care of themselves and each other. This is why we want to make sure all our students basic needs are met; when kids basic needs are met, they can really learn and grow and become their most successful selves!

We have a dedicated staff who advocate for our at-risk students and do our very best to obtain the best resources for these kids so they can learn and grow.  To learn more about our school, please visit our website at https://schools.graniteschools.org/taylorsville/

Honour Roll

“Taylorsville Elementary”


Jean John
Jul 6, 2022
Utah, US

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2 donors

Fundraiser created by
USANA Kids Eat


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