Murray High School

Murray High School

Welcome to Murray High School. A large percentage of the students at our school are on the free or reduced lunch program, and out of that number, many are also food insufficient in their homes. Thanks to USANA Kids Eat and our sponsor, the Murray Alumni Association, these kids receive weekend bags of food when they need them. That’s seven meals to get them through till Monday.

In addition, we have a special program at our school that enables teachers to identify students in their classes who are hungry and seem to be struggling a bit. These teachers are provided a “buddy bag” each month that they can keep in their desk and use to discretely offer these students a snack to get them through the day. Through this program, they have noticed a big change in some of these students participation, and even a decrease in truancy. 

Statement from the school counselor: “The buddy bags have kind of become a part of classroom culture. Students know that, if they are starving, they can get something to eat from class, without even asking permission. Teachers have told me they are grateful for the bags, because it has cut down on the number of students, who beg for food, and it helps them, because they don't have to spend their own money on food for starving students. Teachers like having food available in their classrooms, so that students don't sluff class, while they're walking around the building . . . looking for something to eat. The teachers feel like the students, who take the food, really do need it, because it's not just junk food. It's "healthier. Our teachers really have created a culture of acceptance for taking food from the bags. It's pretty cool. I'm proud that we were able to pull this off. Students take what they eat, and they eat what they take.”

This special program is administered and funded separately from the weekend bag program.

Adopting or donating to our fundraiser will help us feed hungry kids in the current/upcoming school year.  100% of your donation goes directly to food and resources that are crucial to distributing the meals!  USANA covers all administrative costs. Thanks for your consideration!

 To learn more about our school, please visit our website at

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Fundraiser created by
USANA Kids Eat


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