Highland High School

Highland High School

Welcome to Highland High School. 770 of our students at our school are on the free or reduced lunch program, and and many of them are also food insufficient in their homes. Thanks to USANA Kids Eat donors, these kids receive weekend bags of food. That’s seven meals to get them through till Monday. 

Adopting or donating to our fundraiser will help us feed these hungry kids in the upcoming school year. 100% of your donation goes toward food and resources that are crucial to distributing meals! USANA covers all administrative costs. Thanks for your consideration! 

When over 600 students fall below the poverty line and do not know where their next meal will come from, how can we expect them to focus on academics? School should be an environment that nourishes students both nutritionally and academically. What Highland High School lacks, however, are the necessary funds to be able to achieve these academic and physical goals.

Highland is located in a highly urban environment. This city scene provides an abundance of educational opportunities for students. However, these opportunities cannot be taken full advantage of by the many students who face food insecurity at home. At Highland, 607 students fall below the poverty line, 120 students are refugees, and 70 students are homeless—all demographics that correlate with food instability. This can partly be attributed to the location of the school. Regardless of the reason, these students attend Highland and it is our responsibility to take care of them. These students often rely on the free meals that they receive from the school, both through the free lunch program and our food pantry.

While Highland is not considered a Title I school, feeding our students in need is a priority. Since we do not have the Title I school status, funding to feed these students is sparse and relies heavily on community donations. The community donations we receive are greatly appreciated, but unfortunately are not quite enough to feed 600 students every day. Any funding we receive for our meal program will go towards handing out bags of food over the weekend to ensure students have the opportunity to obtain free meals on non-school days. At Highland we care about all of our students, regardless of household income, and would put any financial assistance to great use in supporting them.

We have a dedicated staff who advocate for our at-risk students and do our very best to obtain the best resources for these kids so they can learn and grow.  To learn more about our school, please visit our website at https://highland.slcschools.org/

Honour Roll


James/Lisa Budge
Jul 29, 2024
Utah, US

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1 donor

Fundraiser created by
USANA Kids Eat


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